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Wicked Digital Classic Collection

These are relics. My first 3D animations, made while teaching myself Cinema 4D and to make my friends laugh.

We love to wear costumes. We put on an outfit or a mask and suddenly find a new voice in our throats. But from where? - ah, from within. T'was there all along, in the permafrost, thawed to life by the warm wrappings of disguise. How cozily an empty vessel beckons the strange potentialities of our character. What the can-opener sound is to the hungry cat, the costume is to the unknown soul.

In the earliest days of my career, Wicked Digital was my costume. I knew the art was laughably amateur. Calling myself Wicked Digital lifted the burden of being me and let me try on a fresher, lighter personality. One with less ego, who was strangely PROUD of the work. Because in a way, I really was. And still am.

The Wicked Digital Classic Collection consists of 40 artworks created by Luca Tarantini in 2017-2018 and numbered in the order they were created.

Creado el
Aug 2021
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