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Tyskos - PlanetVerse

PlanetVerse Tyskos Collection - 'The Great Escape'

PlanetVerse is a Defi + NFT project deployed on ETH with the main focus on NFT and Metaverse “BSaS” incubation.

This is the first metaverse to inspire human beings that the fundamental purpose of pain relief and peacebuilding is spiritual development and solidarity against other planets. Our mission is to give all individuals the experience of one creature's development and transformation, and feel peace and love.

In the PlanetVerse Episode 1 - Tyskos, releasing 1,777 Tyskotian nfts, the Tyskotian nfts are the membership cards to all upcoming PlanetVerse projects. holders will enjoy all the benefits from PlanetVerse.

Who is Tyskotian? Check out the video below:

Creado el
Mar 2022
Ganancias del creador