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sorryaboutyourcats | Video Game Glitch Art

I still remember the day I got the Game Genie for my NES. I thought, man it's going to be amazing to be able to cheat in games and unlock everything [you know, AFTER beating the game all fair and square, right? 😂]. Little did I know that I would be obsessed with glitching the game out to make it look a certain way, or accessing debug modes to modify parts of the game.

Fast forward to today and there are many ways to glitch a game, from playing a rom then corrupting it in RTC, to running pixelsorting scripts in Processing, to datamoshing in avidemux and.. well, there are a lot of different ways!

What I hope to do from this collection is to give you a different way of viewing things you're already familiar with, in a trippy glitchy sort of way. 😁

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Mar 2021
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