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A Sporting Chance For Peace Limited Edition Sculpture

The A Sporting Chance for Peace Sculpture Spearheads A Worldwide Anti-Bullying Campaign.

NFT Limited Edition 301 to 500 Has Been Reserved ​To Support the Anti-Bullying Campaign.

**Our NFT-ASCFP-LE 301 to LE 500 are included: (a) The Royalty Payment, (b) The Social Impact, ​(c) The Positive Public Relation, (d) And More Benefits...

TGG Anti-Bullying Campaign Overview

TGG (The Global Gallery Limited) has created a sculpture over a period of four years.  It is titled A Sporting Chance for Peace (ASCFP) and it will be the ‘Centrepeace’ for TGG anti-bullying campaign internationally. It will include:

  1. A worldwide campaign to raise awareness and address bullying and violence
  2. Sponsorship and or donations for approved groups and organizations
  3. Initiatives that support and promote physical and mental health
  4. Presentations for community and corporate gatherings
  5. Artists conducting residencies in schools
  6. Inspirational Speakers for events 
  7. And much more...
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Creado el
Mar 2022
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