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London in contrast

London is a city immersed in history yet tirelessly innovative. Constantly evolving and revolving, it's a city of exciting contrast. With this project, I wanted to capture its eclecticism through photographing the cities diverse population and fleeting moments in time that catch my eye. I am drawn to the poetic and serendipitous moments that in some way, reach towards the essence of what it means to live in such a city as this, in such a time as now.

I am drawn to the street first and foremost as I believe this is where the real character of a place exists, and London for me is no exception. 'London in Contrast' is a collection of candid 'reportage' style black and white photographs taken on the streets of London over 2 years from 2019 to 2020. It is a 30 piece (1/1) portrait of an ever-changing city. You are welcome to grab a small slice of it.

Creado el
Dec 2021
Ganancias del creador
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