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KeemBeats Magic Mushroom Collection

The Magic Mushroom Collection is comprised of 200 unique, hand-colored Magic Mushroom Digital Art Pieces. After going through some personal and family chaos in 2019/20 I finally reached a point, thanks in part to the community that I have surrounded myself with here in web3, I began micro-dosing mushrooms as part of my path to processing the chaos that I had recently experienced. Through this process, I stepped away from music & business and began doodling and drawing while sitting in rooms on Clubhouse for hours on end. I came up with the Mushroom design and decided that this, or these, would be my genesis NFT.

These Art Pieces were created over several months while micro-dosing and stepping out of my normal creative world of music to explore art, digital art, and NFTS. I am also the co-host of 'Music Business Red Pill Sessions' every Monday - Friday at 8am PST / 11am EST in the Blockchain Gospel on Clubhouse.

Creado el
Jul 2022
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