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Iranian Embassy Siege

On April 30th, 1980, six armed men from the terrorist group KSA, led by Oan Ali Mohammed, stormed the Iranian embassy in London and took 26 staff and visitors hostage. The Chairman of Threedeemee was one of the elite SAS assault team who stormed the Iranian Embassy in London on Operation Nimrod, but I have not spoken about it much since, however, he thought he would fill in a few blanks of how life was in B Squadron 22nd SAS then, and most likely still is today. To be honest, we were not very serious about life and were always joking and messing about (Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon had nothing on us), that is, except when we had to do the business and we were much better then no one could stop what would take place. We had all been watching the world snooker finals in the adjoining building next door for 6 days in the leadup to storming the embassy.

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Jan 2022
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