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Glitch Noise Portraits | Digital Art is all Temporary

DIGITAL ART IS ALL TEMPORARY - Digital art is temporary because the internet is temporary. The splinternet is fragmenting the web. Global internet is an illusion; the splinternet is reality. Governments are dividing up cyberspace. Cyberwars of various types are putting an end to net neutrality. Countries like China, South Korea, Iran and Russia are aiming for digital “sovereignism.” Digital sovereignism is a powerful surveillance tool. That which remains of the free global internet is in the hands of web companies. The internet enters homes, cars and our bodies. Data overload creates infobesity and digital blackouts. Centralized networks and databases implode. DLTs and blockchains implode. The internet shuts down. Then starts up again. It shuts down, then starts up again. Maybe

The GLITCH NOISE PORTRAITS is a collection of NFT clips created from images - portraits and self-portraits in particular - that have been borrowed from historical works of art, photography and mass media.

Creado el
Nov 2022
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