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Embodiments 0f Me

Everyone should interpret my art, in their own way. But for me, these artworks resemble the journey I took as an artist. I find it difficult to describe my journey, so I use my characters to do this for me.

The first character "Curiosity" shows the beginning of my journey. This is the period where I searched for my style and constantly tried out different workflows. This led to my art being rough and incoherent.

"Alteration", the second character, depicts the time when I changed my focus and refined my art. I found my style and a workflow that suits me as an artist. I build the groundwork for my art as it is today.

The third and final character, "Imperfect" represents where I'm at now. Trying to accept my limitations and teaching myself that my work doesn’t have to be perfect, and on the level I want it to be right now. There is always time and room for growth, even if it seems like you’re stuck or limited.

I hope you can find your own meaning in my art.

Creado el
Feb 2023
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