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cryptoart city

level 1 soon

join our heroes on their way to cryptoart hq, facing fudders and scamjams. featuring desultor, a bone-crackin degen and trusty froggo, his fierce brawlin bud. together they take on the tumultuous task of tacklin cryptoart city

"cryptoart city" is a crunchy experimental burn-to-play game-inspired art collection about the cryptoart journey of desultor. it plays to the space and is jam-packed with references and love notes

victory looks like:

  1. buy title screen (live)
  2. burn to get level 1 (soon)
  3. burn level 1, get 2 (miniboss level)
  4. burn level 2, get 3 (boss level)

levels open for limited times, so stay spry adventurer

get level 3 in time and receive a victory token airdrop celebrating your win

one rando victory token holder will get a holographic 1/1 victory variant

top 3 victory holders also get free additional title screens to play future chapters

do you have what it takes to dominate cryptoart city?

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Creado el
Jan 2023
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