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Artist Byron

This is a collection of mostly new artwork as well as a generous helping of my past, before NFTs.

I've been around the art scene for a long time. Not as long as some, but much much longer than others. I watched the internet become the beast it is today. I saw the world change from decade to decade. I used the internet clumsily and achieved a bit of notice by jumping on G+ early. It helped that they promoted artists to promote their platform.

But when it died so did my connections. Other things happened in real life too. Depression, marriage, kids, poor health, you know, the usual.

In 2020 I was pushed into the NFT scene and my eyes went wide with wonder at the light speed insanity and the insta wealth so many achieved. Cluelessly I tried to get the insta wealth too, but my connections were non-existent, no one knew me yet.

Even so I did well on WAX and gave up on OS.

Today I try to change that. Not chasing the money, just spreading the Horde and seeing where it leads.

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Creado el
Jul 2021
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