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Arcadia - Night sky of New Zealand

For as long as I can remember, I've had a big interest in space, it wasn't until I took my first photo of the Milky Way in 2016 that the interest turned into obsession. Looking at that first photo I took on the back of the camera, it was some what emotional, you could make out shapes, make out colour, see the detail of the galaxy Earth calls home with the realisation that there's no way we are alone in the universe.

Fast forward 5 years and that passion for space has only grown stronger, now it's a lifestyle, a time to get out among the mountains or a lake or anywhere there is a clear view of stars. It's a time to reflect, a time to stand in the dark, in the middle of nowhere and almost be one with universe as the beauty of the night sky engulfs you. That is Arcadia.

You're invited to be a part of Arcadia. 23 of some of my favourite experiences from the past 6 years.

  • All 1/1 pieces.
  • All taken in my favourite places in New Zealand.
Creado el
Sep 2021
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