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Upcycled Luxury Series

What is the story behind Gabriel Dishaw's Luxury Series?

For Gabriel Dishaw, it’s always been about the journey. For him, the creative process starts with disassembling items and then reimaging them as new objects. Through his work, he is also able to express his eagerness to inspire dialogue on reducing waste and participate in creative solutions for utilizing materials that would often be discarded after its intended use and repurposes them so others can find enjoyment.

His Luxury Series builds upon this philosophy. With each piece, Gabriel has taken characters and universes from his childhood as well as his passion for science fiction and elevated them from their original meanings and stories by using textiles from luxurious brands. Whether based on a toy he grew up with or a film he’s rewatched countless times, each piece reflects a moment in time through a modern, fashionable twist.

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Erstellt am
Mar 2021