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Collect your Toxic Hyena now. This collection will feature over 777 Pak Yenas to collect. Each Hyena is Hand drawn! There will not be duplications if the coding lives up to it's hype! Meaning each hyena is 1/1 Monthly donations and giveaways to all holders of the pak.

It's so refreshing to see so many artist! It's a slap in the face to my 7th grade teacher that used to rip my artwork up because she thought "art" was useless. Look at us now Mr

Each batch will have a fusion card included (the hyena without features) that can be used for different morphs of Hyenas. October will have the NIGHTMARE release of toxic hyenas. Only holders of HYENA number 9 are able to receive this Hyena. Keep an eye out for the HYENA wearing any Bomb symbol. Hyenas wearing any BOMB apparel will receive random eth drops for the month. Each bomb represents a month based on the color. Monthly donations will be made to:

Let's GO!!!! GANG GANG

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Erstellt am
Aug 2021