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SAN Music Notes [OFFICIAL]

The factions of UMI, SORA, CHI, MECHA, and NOMAD bound together to form the UNDERGROUND when SUNCORE threatened their Sanctuary. In the ensuing chaos, whispers emerged of SANWEAR™, a device that gives its holder powerful new abilities. As the UNDERGROUND seeks to use SANWEAR™ to restore harmony, SUNCORE aims to dominate with it. The fate of the sonic world depends on who controls SANWEAR™. Will it be the united UNDERGROUND or the sinister SUNCORE?

Introducing "SAN Music Notes," exclusive mint passes for the upcoming Soundscape Avatar NFT and SANWEAR™ (Hyper Reality Audio Headphones). Both will play an important part in the coming SAN Soundscape. Available in five unique factions, each note grants access to mint that faction's NFTs (Avatar and SANWEAR) in matching colorways. The REDVOXX and VIP music notes offer even more freedom to choose any faction.

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Erstellt am
Aug 2023