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Sacred Skin - Aroon Thaew's portrait collection of 30 images featuring Thailand's spirit tattoos.

The Sacred Skin Collection consists of 30 images of Thai Tattoo Masters and Devotees. The photos, taken between 2006 and 2011, were first published in 2011 as part of the bestselling book “Sacred Skin - Thailand’s Spirit Tattoos”.

Sacred tattoos, called sak yant in Thailand, have been around Southeast Asia for centuries and are said to bestow protection from accidents, misfortunes and crime.

When a tattoo master applies a sak yant, he also establishes a set of rules that his tattooed disciples are expected to follow for the rest of their lives, usually starting with Buddhism’s first five precepts. Failure to observe the guru’s instructions causes the sak yant to lose their power.

Each NFT in this collection features in the description a direct quote from the master or devotee portrayed, attesting to the extraordinary powers attributed to these Sacred Tattoos.

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Erstellt am
Aug 2021