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Profiles and Pearls

She dances in the beautiful dark, Where the hearts of men lay still. A warning to those who dare embark, And lose the freedom of will.

Bathed in shadow and baited breathe, She sings the siren’s song. Where Kali weaves a timeless death, And feigning love belongs.

A smile perhaps behind the pearls, Eyes poised to pierce the veil. She gazes out from behind her curls, And entertains us with her tale.

A pose against the midnight light, A portrait in shades of gray. And dawn is there to draw its might, She silently fades away.

As I set out to create my first NFT collection, I didn’t want to just reuse something from the past. I wanted to create something completely new for my portfolio; something shot specifically to be a NFT. I was inspired by some high contrast silhouette work that I recently saw and so a plan was formed. I love the tonal contrasts in this series, it’s exactly what we set out to do and I’m extremely excited to share these with the world as my first NFTs.

Erstellt am
Jan 2022