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Passing Bags

PBS (℘₿$)

❡Ξ₦Ξ$ΞΐṨ ₿Ặⓖ ₮ⓞ₭Ξ₦ Each Non Fungible Token ( NFT ) will contain a nifty gift that will act as a "take something leave something" swap, similar to a geo-cache. There will be something extra tied to every token passed. When you acquire a PBS token, you will be entering into a system that encourages the act of paying it forward and expanding art to other Artists and Dealers for distribution and Trading. By providing a "directional" NFT, we encourage resellers to act similarly in good faith, same as the creator, take something and leave something, which is the intent of the ℘ẶṨഗ유₦❡ ₿Ặⓖ$. Each item tokenized on PBS will including two things, a "Directional" NFT to be left as a guide and a mystery un-lockable wallet with with a 2nd NFT to trade out, please take, leave and burn after reading. Share your art with the art world using PBS and set your royalties and forgettaboutit! 💱🔥💎

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Erstellt am
Aug 2020