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Metaverve #1 - Moon & Sun

Metaverve is a web3 jazz record label.

Our motto, F**k the jazz police!¡ - encapsulates our mission.

For years, little-known but nonetheless amazing musicians have been screwed up by the music industry. We are changing that. No middlemen required.

Here are some of our values:

Little-known musicians

We strive to get more exposure for little-known, amazing artists. NFT value will likely increase as these artists do get more and more stage time.

Rare, unique tracks

We only focus on publishing music that was not published before, ever! Unique pieces, exclusive demos & outtakes!

No middleman

Music from artists, to you. No agents, no record stores, no middlemen, no barriers.


In the near future, composability will allow anyone to take existing NFTs and adapt or build on top of them.

Erstellt am
Dec 2021