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The Nation Has Spoken

We live in the age of protest when a lot of people are offended by the smallest of things. But by objecting to everything we slowly lose our right to be appalled by anything. Today corporations package and sell our outrage to us in an ad for another soft drink. It is hyperinflation of resistance. The revolution culminated in a sale.

The project “The Nation Has Spoken” examines the nature of protest by juxtaposing banal, local, trivial, and fundamental problems of the modern society. The 101 statements should not be viewed as exhaustive reflection of the main challenges of the modern age. This is a random selection of issues that strives to help the audience to separate wheat from shaft, to learn how to choose battles and determine which hills to die on. After all the genesis of this project, the painting “The Nation” was born out of common protest about common but systemic corruption and injustice. SDG

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Erstellt am
Oct 2021