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Extreme Space

  • It was hot battle. As soon as the capsule landed, these devils climbed from all sides. Have you ever carried an Airborne Plasma Launcher? Still that joy, I'll tell you!

Harry is in the boat and he feels good. And then you run, shoot, reload and watch so that you are not devoured and dissolved. The star bakes, acid on all sides, you sweat in a spacesuit like a prostitute in a church!

But the picture is beautiful, I'll tell you. I understand that now. There were such as pink threads. Until you cut them with a cleaver, they will envelop you in everything. Do not fight back - consider the dead! And as soon as you pry them with a knife, they blur into a pink spot. Color, you know, like the Barbie house.

Others are gray and white, round, like skulls. They fly at you and seem to be laughing. They were shot down with a laser, and they burst. Burst and drops of multi-colored plasma from above. Let's rain. Try and dodge. The brown sands tear off the legs...


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Erstellt am
Aug 2021