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Epic Thundercat LIT Collection

LIT in the title of this collection stands for 'lost in thought'. This is a collection of works created by Epic Thundercat that are specific to the human experience and how our emotions impact the world around us. Often times we have large emotions as is part of being human, but sometimes we are unable to understand or express them accordingly. It is only after that we are sometimes able to deeply reflect on our experiences resulting in a better understanding of who we are. Evidence has shown that creativity and art can speed up that process. We as human beings also find ourselves holding negative emotions in, causing stress and anxiety. The creative and cultural arts allow us to transform these emotions into something physical and outside of ourselves. This often leads to feelings of relief, understanding, and self-control.

This collection will be added to without a schedule and only when something deeply emotional and profound happens in Epic Thundercat's life.

Erstellt am
May 2022