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Dante Faust is the alternate self-expression of myself. In reality, there are so many burdens and responsibilities to shoulder, so little time to really do the things we used to love when younger. Here, I can express myself more freely and I hope that you like the thoughts that go through these art pieces as much as I enjoy creating them. I imagine there is a Dante Faust in each of us, just to escape the reality for a tiny while and let us roam freely in our minds.

The little that matters is more than much than don't. Here to spread the message of focusing on the right things that matter.

Just remember, The Darkest Hour Comes Before The Dawn. Things often seem the worst right before they start to improve. Don't give up! Hold the Door! Grab one and you can see the message the owner of this NFT can see.

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Erstellt am
Sep 2021