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Continuum World Official

#Explore a New World full of Natural Resources

Continuum is an idyllic world composed of sky islands with a natural and futuristic environment where you can collect plenty of resources.

The more and better your UMi (your avatar) searches among all the lands, the more resources you will obtain, which will allow you to earn our native Token $UM.

#Acquire your Own Land

Select the size and quality to purchase your NFT Land.

Farm your land and resources to earn $UM and collaborate with other players while you earn a percentage of the $UM obtained.

#Earn $UM selling your proceeds

You can gather resources when exploring the world or you can farm your own land. Go to a market to sell them in exchange for our native token $UM which will be listed in decentralized exchanges.

#Earn $UM selling your fruits

$UM token is the native currency in the game. It allows token holders to play, invest and also be part of the game. - Purchase Game Items - Staking Rewards - Play to earn - Gover

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Erstellt am
Mar 2023