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Gramps grew up on the waters of Kariba in Zimbabwe. He found peace there and working with his hands kept his mind strong. From the beginning, fishing has been in his blood, a passion he passed down to his grandchildren. A lifetime has passed, and remnants of his journey have become one with his body. We sat on the water decades later, his mind as strong as these hands once were. We shared stories of times long gone while the sun started to retreat to make way for another day.

We all have our own journeys, and with that, our own stories, the ones we wrote ourselves, the ones others have written about us, and the remnants of those passed down to us by others. These stories and moments shape us, and they leave traces of themselves behind as they silently whisper their secrets into the world.

Through the power of the blockchain and my Hidden Stories contract, we created a beautiful convergence of my photography and my fascination with hidden stories, allowing collectors to leave their traces behind by adding their own hidden story to each HS NFT they own.

These stories will be cemented onto the blockchain, with another story being added every time they pass hands, connecting us all.

Hidden Stories: Chapter One - Sight of Hand collection image

We all have our own journeys, and with that, our own stories, the ones we wrote ourselves, the ones others have written about us, and the remnants of those passed down to us by others. These stories and moments shape us, and they leave traces of themselves behind as they silently whisper their secrets into the world.

Through the power of the blockchain and my Hidden Stories contract, we created a beautiful convergence of my photography and my fascination with hidden stories, allowing collectors to leave their traces behind by adding their own hidden story to each HS NFT they own.

These stories will be cemented onto the blockchain, with another story being added every time they pass hands, connecting us all.

For years we've been tucked away behind masks, covering ourselves. Yet our hands are even more exposed than ever. I felt the need to dive deeper, isolating the traces of hidden stories upon our hands.

Kategorie „Photography
Letzte Aktualisierungvor 2 Jahre


72 Ansichten
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72 Ansichten
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Gramps grew up on the waters of Kariba in Zimbabwe. He found peace there and working with his hands kept his mind strong. From the beginning, fishing has been in his blood, a passion he passed down to his grandchildren. A lifetime has passed, and remnants of his journey have become one with his body. We sat on the water decades later, his mind as strong as these hands once were. We shared stories of times long gone while the sun started to retreat to make way for another day.

We all have our own journeys, and with that, our own stories, the ones we wrote ourselves, the ones others have written about us, and the remnants of those passed down to us by others. These stories and moments shape us, and they leave traces of themselves behind as they silently whisper their secrets into the world.

Through the power of the blockchain and my Hidden Stories contract, we created a beautiful convergence of my photography and my fascination with hidden stories, allowing collectors to leave their traces behind by adding their own hidden story to each HS NFT they own.

These stories will be cemented onto the blockchain, with another story being added every time they pass hands, connecting us all.

Hidden Stories: Chapter One - Sight of Hand collection image

We all have our own journeys, and with that, our own stories, the ones we wrote ourselves, the ones others have written about us, and the remnants of those passed down to us by others. These stories and moments shape us, and they leave traces of themselves behind as they silently whisper their secrets into the world.

Through the power of the blockchain and my Hidden Stories contract, we created a beautiful convergence of my photography and my fascination with hidden stories, allowing collectors to leave their traces behind by adding their own hidden story to each HS NFT they own.

These stories will be cemented onto the blockchain, with another story being added every time they pass hands, connecting us all.

For years we've been tucked away behind masks, covering ourselves. Yet our hands are even more exposed than ever. I felt the need to dive deeper, isolating the traces of hidden stories upon our hands.

Kategorie „Photography
Letzte Aktualisierungvor 2 Jahre