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In this painting I have depicted the governments of this world as an eagle holding in its clutches a man who symbolizes all of humanity. They are people who have been forcibly deprived of their natural and legitimate freedom and are still being violently stripped of them and still try tirelessly to regain that freedom through protest or general resistance and to bring about a referendum, the widespread introduction of which would only correspond to a real democracy. People and government, oppressors and oppressed; Tortured and tormented have fought against each other since time immemorial. One side is afraid of losing control and thus superfluity and therefore exercises power, the other side is afraid of deprivation of liberty and restriction in free and creative life, since the power that is exercised on them is becoming increasingly restrictive. The noose is tightened from year to year, to the point of complete impotence of the people on the one hand and the absolute and more and more perverting obsession with power of the ruling classes on the other, no matter what mask that obsession with power assumes, whether religious or ideological, In essence, it was and is never something good that you and the possessed are up to, even if the politicians, who are the visible faces of this disease through clever-sounding arguments and lofty speeches mixed with technical jargon, want to convince people of the opposite, namely that we who are free people need to be governed and need leadership. They deny us the ability to think and act for ourselves and the worst thing about it is that this has been done for thousands of years and, unfortunately, there has never been a fundamental recovery from this condition. In the painting, both the eagle and the man have a clearly angry look, and they stare at each other angrily, as if they were mortal enemies. This eternal struggle for life and death and the hopelessness that goes with it is underpinned by the closed mouth of the man whose cry for help cannot be heard so that future generations cannot hear or "understand" what he is warning of, so, that it is just not possible in the future to expose these agonizing structures that stand in the way of human development in good time, as long as they have not yet reached their current, almost irreversible solidity. According to all experience, and according to our own prognosis, these states, which are visible on the entire planet, will last for several generations until the point in time when an all-encompassing, fundamental rethinking of human consciousness will take place. Or even a complete liberation from old rotten thought patterns and forms of existence that from then on will be part of de-evolution instead of serving evolution. An evolution towards the full development of human and planetary potential. The next step in this direction will certainly not be reached if the current power structures continue to poison and complicate the free coexistence of people as they still do. Not all people, and certainly not newer generations, really notice the man's outcry, but there is hope. One sees another, not purely human-worldly, but spiritual-spiritual level in the picture. Namely the salvific triangular shapes that form the background of the picture background. The divine consciousness that, as a silent observer of worldly events with all its atrocities and injustices, has endured since the beginning of mankind and reveals itself again and again in different forms and welcomes him, the human being, to live life as it was of him, the Origin of being was thought ... free and without coercion. Wrapped in the red cloth, my resentment and my despair in this regard becomes clear, which runs like a red thread cloth the series.

my red cloth collection image

In this collection you can see my paintings as NTFs. I have the paintings with the red cloth that appear again and again as animals and humans or other elements and that symbolizes human feelings and sadness, you can also see the triangular shapes with blue, green and brown depths of color that are mostly used as the floor of these painted paintings. every painting in this collection has its own story.


hatred of powers

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hatred of powers

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In this painting I have depicted the governments of this world as an eagle holding in its clutches a man who symbolizes all of humanity. They are people who have been forcibly deprived of their natural and legitimate freedom and are still being violently stripped of them and still try tirelessly to regain that freedom through protest or general resistance and to bring about a referendum, the widespread introduction of which would only correspond to a real democracy. People and government, oppressors and oppressed; Tortured and tormented have fought against each other since time immemorial. One side is afraid of losing control and thus superfluity and therefore exercises power, the other side is afraid of deprivation of liberty and restriction in free and creative life, since the power that is exercised on them is becoming increasingly restrictive. The noose is tightened from year to year, to the point of complete impotence of the people on the one hand and the absolute and more and more perverting obsession with power of the ruling classes on the other, no matter what mask that obsession with power assumes, whether religious or ideological, In essence, it was and is never something good that you and the possessed are up to, even if the politicians, who are the visible faces of this disease through clever-sounding arguments and lofty speeches mixed with technical jargon, want to convince people of the opposite, namely that we who are free people need to be governed and need leadership. They deny us the ability to think and act for ourselves and the worst thing about it is that this has been done for thousands of years and, unfortunately, there has never been a fundamental recovery from this condition. In the painting, both the eagle and the man have a clearly angry look, and they stare at each other angrily, as if they were mortal enemies. This eternal struggle for life and death and the hopelessness that goes with it is underpinned by the closed mouth of the man whose cry for help cannot be heard so that future generations cannot hear or "understand" what he is warning of, so, that it is just not possible in the future to expose these agonizing structures that stand in the way of human development in good time, as long as they have not yet reached their current, almost irreversible solidity. According to all experience, and according to our own prognosis, these states, which are visible on the entire planet, will last for several generations until the point in time when an all-encompassing, fundamental rethinking of human consciousness will take place. Or even a complete liberation from old rotten thought patterns and forms of existence that from then on will be part of de-evolution instead of serving evolution. An evolution towards the full development of human and planetary potential. The next step in this direction will certainly not be reached if the current power structures continue to poison and complicate the free coexistence of people as they still do. Not all people, and certainly not newer generations, really notice the man's outcry, but there is hope. One sees another, not purely human-worldly, but spiritual-spiritual level in the picture. Namely the salvific triangular shapes that form the background of the picture background. The divine consciousness that, as a silent observer of worldly events with all its atrocities and injustices, has endured since the beginning of mankind and reveals itself again and again in different forms and welcomes him, the human being, to live life as it was of him, the Origin of being was thought ... free and without coercion. Wrapped in the red cloth, my resentment and my despair in this regard becomes clear, which runs like a red thread cloth the series.

my red cloth collection image

In this collection you can see my paintings as NTFs. I have the paintings with the red cloth that appear again and again as animals and humans or other elements and that symbolizes human feelings and sadness, you can also see the triangular shapes with blue, green and brown depths of color that are mostly used as the floor of these painted paintings. every painting in this collection has its own story.
