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Yue Minjun - Kingdom of the Laughing Man: Boundless Print Series

The LiveArt Print Voucher is a redeemable NFT that grants you the unique opportunity to unlock a signed print by Yue Minjun, corresponding to the NFT it is linked to. This voucher connects the advantages of digital tokens with traditional art ownership to offer holders the following benefits: Access to a Signed Print by Yue Minjun: Holders of this voucher enjoy an exclusive privilege – the right to exchange it for a signed physical print matching the NFT referenced on the voucher. Digital Sale with Streamlined Logistics: the voucher lets holders easily sell their print to another collector through secondary marketplaces like OpenSea, eliminating the complexities and concerns associated with physical art sales. Sellers choosing the digital route can rely on LiveArt to coordinate fulfillment with the buyer.

Aug 2023
Creator earnings
  • Print size: Large