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xin chun jia jie

24I9I14IX3I8I21I14IX10I9I1IX10I9I5IX New year - new weather.

The collection "xin chun jia jie" (新春佳节) encrypts 12 traditional wishes for the Chinese New Year.

The 12 characters of the basic code of leodacripto (1-9, 0, I, X) are encrypted in the artworks of this collection by a further level by the Chinese characters of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. The 12 animals are assigned to the characters of leodacripto’s basic code analogous to their order in the mystical history (鼠=1, 牛=2, 虎=3 etc). In their arrangement they result in the individual wishes.

The main artwork of this collection (artwork: new-weather) unites the individual 12 wishes (artworks: nw01 - nw12) into a whole.

The collection interprets the culture around Chinese New Year as a constant opportunity in life to start from scratch, to find one's happiness in life. It is to encourage never to lose faith in improvement. It is never too late for change.

Find your luck. Decrypt the code.

Jan 2023
Creator earnings
  • 蛇 = snake: 0x