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Winter Tales Collection

The Winter Tales Collection Is a 250 piece, AI generated Authentic winter themed collection which include 19 different races, a selection of iconic winter themed fictional characters, and unique 1/1’s inspired by some of the most successful collections in 2022.

Our Aim as a community inspired project is split into 3 primary objectives:

To provide a stress-free environment which brings together members from the most engaging communities to celebrate 2022, and bring the positivity into 2023

To generate a New seasonal “Solstice” inspired collection, prior to each solstice will be 25 days of giveaways - this winter it was available for all engagers. For each future collection it will alternate between holders and non-holders

To simply enjoy web 3 - We don’t want the focus to ever be on FP, or delisting or the general stressful behaviour that is associated with web 3. This is because profit is not a focus for our team. Royalty generated profit will go towards better future Giveaway.

Dec 2022
Creator earnings
  • Rarity: Human