Long ago, the WinnoBearz Club lived together in harmony on the Bearz Coast. Then everything changed when the evil nation attacked.
The bearz wizard named BelzeBearz has casted a malicious spell that separated pixelated WinnoBearz heads from their bodies and scattered them around the globe.
The time has come for vigilant heroes to collect the heads and stop the evil fire bearz.
The only question is – will you be one of the HolyBearz ?
Long ago, the WinnoBearz Club lived together in harmony on the Bearz Coast. Then everything changed when the evil nation attacked.
The bearz wizard named BelzeBearz has casted a malicious spell that separated pixelated WinnoBearz heads from their bodies and scattered them around the globe.
The time has come for vigilant heroes to collect the heads and stop the evil fire bearz.
The only question is – will you be one of the HolyBearz ?
· 94
· May 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%