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Where My Vanagon Goes

Pictures of my 1989 Vanagon in beautiful places on Oahu in Hawaii.. Valerie the Vagobond Vanagon aka VVV, 3V, and sometimes 3V Wonder.

Each holder of a "Where My Vanagon Goes" NFTs is entitled to a free 3-hour tour in Valerie the Vagobond Vanagon on Oahu. Offer is informal and lasts only as long as I own 3V, live on Oahu, and each NFT can be used once for this offer. Considering that when I was offering tours, I typically charged between $500-$1500 per day, this is a pretty sweet deal - and it gives me a Web3 opportunity to meet and hang out and share this amazing place with people who like my work. During my time as a guide, I was considered one of the top guides in the state and my tours can no longer be booked - but if you hold one of these - you'll get one - in the Vanagon I've named 3V Wonder. This is real world utility and I think fits the essence of Web3 perfectly - a chance for creators to vibe with their community IRL.

Unique items
Total items
Feb 2022
Creator earnings
  • Mileage: 185,000