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(wen)ployed is the fast food employment hub and application generator for the defi dropouts and NGMI degens. Mint your reality check application now! Web3 isn’t for everyone, some people can’t handle the Ape. You probably shouldn’t have re-leveraged your home to jump into that project you thought was going to the moon. Your confidence in leveraging paychecks on (🎩, 🎩), (🦄,🦄), (🐱,🐱), or whatever ‘ponzinomics’ that had 14 quintillion APY left you laughing your way to the soup kitchen. Now you’re surrounded by crushing defeat and staggering losses, but look at the bright side, losses are tax deductible… and auditable. Maybe it’s time to log out of your trusty Metamask for a bit and get some fresh air, travel the streets that you hope you don’t end up on, pull up them ol’ bootstraps, put your pride on the shelf and go make that greasy centralized buck. Flipping burgers, pressing pizza dough and draining fryers is clearly better than a hard cardboard box under a cold underpass right?

May 2022
Creator earnings
  • Paper: Crinkled