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Welcome to $DEGEN

Subscription Perks:

Embark on a journey to deepen your engagement with the $DEGEN ecosystem on Farcaster. As dedicated contributors to the $DEGEN community, this subscription is crafted to amplify the "Welcome to $DEGEN" frame and future frames centered around all things $DEGEN. Here’s the enhanced offering for subscribers:

  • NFTs: For every month you're subscribed, claim an equivalent number of framedegen NFTs from our 10K PFP NFT project. Each month of subscription equals one NFT, when framedegen is launched you will be airdropped the NFT(s).
  • Treasure Hunt Access NFT: While subscribed, receive an NFT granting access to participate in the event, offering a chance to uncover a treasure filled with $DEGEN. This exciting event is on the horizon.
  • Exclusive Telegram Group Chat: Gain entry to a private chat for subscribers, a gathering spot for $DEGEN enthusiasts to exchange insights and news.
  • Subscriber-Only Content: Unlock access to content exclusively crafted for subscribers within the main "Welcome to $DEGEN" frame and additional curated frames.
  • Consistent Updates & Insights: We’re committed to refreshing the main frame with the latest on $DEGEN, aiming for weekly updates and potential daily insights to keep you informed.

Broadening the $DEGEN Horizon:

Our initiative to enrich the $DEGEN community doesn’t stop here. We're excited to introduce new features and deep dives, enhancing your understanding and involvement:

  • Focus on Upcoming $DEGEN Projects
  • Comprehensive FAQs
  • Deep Dives into projects like and
  • Direct Access to vital links (Contract Addresses, CoinGecko, TG Channels, etc.)
  • DEGEN NEWSLETTER Integration
  • Community Frames Showcase
  • Trending Casts in /degen and other channels
  • Advanced Text Navigation and ChatGPT Integration for dynamic user queries within the frame

Enhanced Subscriber Rewards:

  • Community Reward Pool: 5% of subscription fees go into a reward pool, shared among all subscribers.
  • Reward Multiplier: Benefits increase the earlier you subscribe and the longer you're subscribed.
  • Reward Redemption: Active subscribers can redeem rewards for tokens, proportionate to their share.

Our mission is to establish a vibrant, informative hub for all $DEGEN enthusiasts — whether you're new to the scene or a seasoned community member. This subscription not only enhances the "Welcome to $DEGEN" frame but also contributes significantly to the collective growth and vibrancy of the $DEGEN token and its community on Farcaster.

Mar 2024
Creator earnings