We the Punks of different Nations, Religions, and Races, seeking for personal Truths and aspiring each for our own Peace, in Order to form an inspiring Future paying our tribute to the daring Past, do ordain and establish the synthesis of Art and Digital reality for the Crypto Era of Mavericks. 36 unique hand-painted portraits by artist Tania Rivilis
We the Punks of different Nations, Religions, and Races, seeking for personal Truths and aspiring each for our own Peace, in Order to form an inspiring Future paying our tribute to the daring Past, do ordain and establish the synthesis of Art and Digital reality for the Crypto Era of Mavericks. 36 unique hand-painted portraits by artist Tania Rivilis
Unique items
· 38
Total items
· 71
· Sep 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%