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Way Out West

What happens when you leave the place that shaped you? I grew up in California and spent most of my life there. I also explored nearby states often, especially after I got my driver's license. When I moved my daughter and I to Michigan, four years ago, I returned on periodic visits with an entirely new perspective of the places that molded me into the person I am today. After beating Stage 3c colon cancer, I felt the urge to take even more calculated risks. When I die, I want to be remembered as someone who pushed the limits of what is possible – especially with my drone work.

These images were captured between 2018 to August, 2021. They all represent a significant step toward conquering my fears, not to mention adversity. Somehow I withstood the odds and am here today to share my story with you. Way Out West is a rebirth. I may be a Midwesterner, now, but the special places, and the memories they hold, live in this collection.

Oct 2021
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