I am writing a set of songs about our culture’s current challenges. My goal is to shine a light on them, what I've learned and unlearned. I can’t change anyone’s mind; I can only offer my view and invite reflection.
These are clips of songs performed live, "process shots" of songwriting. You are hearing them before they become professional studio recordings. You were here first, you listened, you invested. You are cool.
Can we change the culture? Can we rewrite the rules? Can we make it a habit to support people whose work we like? Can we INVEST in artists directly rather than making billionaires richer?
Positive change is a collective effort. Individualism is our common enemy.
With love and respect, Michael
I am writing a set of songs about our culture’s current challenges. My goal is to shine a light on them, what I've learned and unlearned. I can’t change anyone’s mind; I can only offer my view and invite reflection.
These are clips of songs performed live, "process shots" of songwriting. You are hearing them before they become professional studio recordings. You were here first, you listened, you invested. You are cool.
Can we change the culture? Can we rewrite the rules? Can we make it a habit to support people whose work we like? Can we INVEST in artists directly rather than making billionaires richer?
Positive change is a collective effort. Individualism is our common enemy.
With love and respect, Michael
Unique items
· 20
Total items
· 0
· Apr 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%