Twenty-Six ships full of treasure set sail on the open sea charted by the Eastern Ethereum Trading Company © toward the new world. In transit, a comet hit - causing the cataclysmic mega-tsunami. Sparking rogue waves around the world, the crypto winter began as the ships filled of Crypto loot sank to the depths of the ocean floor - leaving their vast wealth buried below, out of reach of the fiat world. With the world in shock and awe, and markets crashing, the Zebras became the first Safari to embark on the world's greatest underwater treasure hunt and suited up in all of their scuba diving gear.
All Access Passes enable exclusive access, benefits and privileges with the worlds largest underwater geo-caching competition.
Twenty-Six ships full of treasure set sail on the open sea charted by the Eastern Ethereum Trading Company © toward the new world. In transit, a comet hit - causing the cataclysmic mega-tsunami. Sparking rogue waves around the world, the crypto winter began as the ships filled of Crypto loot sank to the depths of the ocean floor - leaving their vast wealth buried below, out of reach of the fiat world. With the world in shock and awe, and markets crashing, the Zebras became the first Safari to embark on the world's greatest underwater treasure hunt and suited up in all of their scuba diving gear.
All Access Passes enable exclusive access, benefits and privileges with the worlds largest underwater geo-caching competition.
· 537
· Jun 2022
Creator earnings
· 2.5%