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Urban Explorers

Urban Explorers is a collection of images about the secret life of urban explorers – people who venture into hidden manmade landscapes. The places these individuals explore are often in the middle of cities, and yet off-limits and unknown to the public, mostly because they are not meant for people. I have been following these urban explorers all over the world, documenting their adventures, diving deeper and deeper into their secret world, eventually becoming one of them.

This collection features images of tunnels in undisclosed locations. They vary in size, length and depth, but all of them are circular shaped. There is no natural lighting whatsoever, only artificial – which can be surprisingly colourful. And in every photo there is the urban explorer: seemingly lost in an unhuman environment. But this is our natural habitat; this is what we do when you are asleep, safely in your home. We are the explorers of our time, questioning the relationship of humanity with the modern city.

Sep 2021
Creator earnings
  • Location: Germany