"Ukiyo Street" is a collection of works created by Nao Yoshihara. Ukiyo-e is a painting style that was popular among the ordinary people in Japan during the Edo period. NFTs are also open to anyone who wants to go. Since Nao is a renegade, she mixed Ukiyo-e, street culture, and NFT to further sublimate it into "Ukiyo Street".
"Ukiyo Street" is a collection of works created by Nao Yoshihara. Ukiyo-e is a painting style that was popular among the ordinary people in Japan during the Edo period. NFTs are also open to anyone who wants to go. Since Nao is a renegade, she mixed Ukiyo-e, street culture, and NFT to further sublimate it into "Ukiyo Street".
· 127
· Jul 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%