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UDN TimeVerse - Collection of Memorable Moments from Taiwan History Stirring baseball game (Topic 3)

時光宇宙 - 台灣經典時刻系列:熱血棒球 世界發光

【時光宇宙 UDN TimeVerse】首次發行推出「台灣經典時刻系列」,並以台灣國球「棒球」為題,回顧台灣棒球1960年代至近代發展。整理紅葉少棒時期、亞錦賽、WBC、奧運等賽事報導,將珍貴的歷史報版以NFT形式賦予新生。全系列共三大主題,分別為:英雄出少年 - 熬夜看球的流淚時刻、讓世界看見 - 如雲名將揚威國際賽、登奧運殿堂 - 難能可貴的兩面獎牌;無論是否為棒球球迷,都能再次感受到熱血沸騰、引以為傲的經典瞬間。

主題三:登奧運殿堂 - 難能可貴的兩面獎牌

時代背景描述中華隊在奧運賽事拿下兩面獎牌, 1984洛杉磯奧運,與韓國鏖戰14局,最後以三比零勝出,捧回我國奧運史上第一面銅牌,另一場在1992巴塞隆納奧運,金牌戰雖然輸給古巴隊,仍贏得我國棒球中上最高榮耀的銀牌。

UDN TimeVerse - Collection of Memorable Moments from Taiwan History: Stirring baseball games known world-wide

UDN TimeVerse launched the “Collection of Memorable Moments from Taiwan History” based on the theme of baseball, the national sport of Taiwan. We look back at the development of Taiwan baseball games from the 1960s to the modern times, covering the Hongye little league team period, the Asian Baseball Championship, WBC, Olympic Games, and other events. The collection gives new life to the precious historical edition on paper in NFT form. It features three major topics: “The Young Heroes – The emotional moments and sweet tears of late-night baseball games”, “Shine to the World - Famous players winning international competitions”, and “Hall of the Olympics – Two precious medals”. Whether or not you are a baseball fan, these proud moments of the past will surely stir your blood.

Topic 3: Hall of the Olympics - Two precious medals

This tells the story of how the Taiwanese team won two medals at the Olympic Games. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Taiwan team played fourteen games against South Korea and won 3-0. Thus they won the bronze medal, their first Olympic medal in the nation’s history. Taiwan won a second medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics where the team lost to Cuba but still managed to win the silver medal. To this day, it remains the highest honor of Taiwanese baseball.

Sep 2022
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