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TP Inflation

Global inflation is a hot topic.... everything is getting more expensive. Services, building materials, electronics, food, fuel and toilet paper. Why is this happening? Where will this lead? Who loses and who gains in the process? Questions that no one can answer exactly.

This NFT art project aims to create the world's most expensive toilet paper roll as experimental art. As with inflation, no one knows when and how this project will start and end. Does a piece of toilet paper really cost 1 or someday even 1 million dollars? Will it even rise to 10 million or more?

The TP roll has 250 sheets of TP. One by one a piece of this TP roll is cut off, numbered by the anonymous artist, photographed and set on fire with spruce wood. A video will be made of it.

The No. 1 can be obtained for exactly 0.01 ETC. After that, the price is steadily doubled to the previous price.

Join us and let's burn toilet paper! Let's BBB - Burn - Burn - Boom.

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May 2022
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