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The Happy Cat Collections

We are humans that live and die off of emotion, not just food and water like other living organisms. We are the most complex organisms we know of. I made my The Happy Cats Collection and all my other collections to bring out happiness. I think happiness is the most powerful emotion humans can live on. I think we need more of it on earth.

I made the Happy Cats Collections with that in mind. I made each Cat happy. It may take the gazer time to understand why that Cat is Happy but they are all Happy. If my Happy Cats and all my other collections can spread a positive emotion and happiness across this blue planet then in my mind, that is valuable.

All cats in this collection are happy. All cats in this collection are unique from the other cats in this collection. All cats are happy for their own reasons. Find the happiness in the Cat. Find it within yourself. Spread it to others.

Aug 2022
Creator earnings
  • Happy cat: Devoted