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THE FLOW- A Peaceful Musical Journey

The flow is a collaboration between two artists; photographer NAKUL SHARMA & music composer IVAVVI. 100 days were dedicated to creating a magical, out of the box experience. We challenged ourselves in every way, to do something we have never done before. To step outside our comfort zone.

FLOW is a pure example of our creativity, innovation & experimentation. Web 3 and NFTs are all about experimenting. We have combined photography with music and special effects through technology. The idea was to bring people with us on our magical journey together. Every artwork is curated and selected very carefully, to present our vision and beauty to the world. Nakul traveled for years to collect these amazing waterfalls and IVAVVI used his magical fingers to create unique, new music for these pieces.

THE FLOW is a peaceful artwork that people can use in everyday life for meditation, calmness or solo time.

We are GLAD to share this beautiful Project & 11 rare Pieces of MUSICAL NFT.

Aug 2022
Creator earnings