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The Conversation || The Dance

Hi my name is Graham but my friends call me G. I am a commercial, lifestyle and portrait photographer based out of Victoria, BC, Canada. The Conversation || The Dance is a collection of twelve 1/1 editions that best represents my approach to portraiture. I don't photograph subjects as much as I photograph how they make me feel. My objective with every image I take is to provoke an emotion, a feeling or a memory. I recall the exact moment when it all clicked. There was this connection and it felt honest and genuine, almost dreamlike to me. Something was telling me this was a little bit of magic captured between two people. Connecting with another human being and creating something beautiful together is a truly wonderful thing to experience. The camera almost disappears and capturing something real and sometimes raw or revealing is my aim every time someone steps in front of my camera. Portraiture for me always starts with the conversation and then the dance begins.

Feb 2022
Creator earnings
  • Artist: Grahamwhat