The Adventures of Timi Ajala consists of seven hand-painted artworks in which the artist, Francis Jide, follows Timi and paints his journey through the seven continents of the world. Having been born with a peculiar eye condition, heterochromia, he’s learning to accept his uniqueness and hopes to find a squirrel like him on one of his travels.
Size: 22x30 inches Created: December 2021–March 2022 Medium: Acrylic paint on white primed canvas, with mixed media.
Each piece will be listed for sale (auction) at two-day intervals. Visit to learn more about the collection, the auction schedule and the 4X Collector Package.
The Adventures of Timi Ajala consists of seven hand-painted artworks in which the artist, Francis Jide, follows Timi and paints his journey through the seven continents of the world. Having been born with a peculiar eye condition, heterochromia, he’s learning to accept his uniqueness and hopes to find a squirrel like him on one of his travels.
Size: 22x30 inches Created: December 2021–March 2022 Medium: Acrylic paint on white primed canvas, with mixed media.
Each piece will be listed for sale (auction) at two-day intervals. Visit to learn more about the collection, the auction schedule and the 4X Collector Package.
Unique items
· 7
Total items
· 0
· Jul 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%