10代はキラキラした青春ばかりではない、悩み多き年頃。 Teen's collection SWEETでは そんな10代の女の子や男の子を、うつむき加減の表情で 可愛く表現しています。 パステルカラーで髪型や、洋服にもこだわり、普段あまり気にしないような部分も描いてます。
ファーストシーズンは50作で完結しました! 一次は現在50作品全て完売
Teenage years are not all about sparkling youth. In Teen's collection SWEET we have created cute expressions of teenage girls and boys with a downcast look. The pastel colors, hairstyles, and clothes are carefully chosen to depict parts of the world that we usually don't pay much attention to.
I hope you enjoy the world of these adorable collections drawn by 16-year-old girl!
The first season is now complete with 50 works! Primary distribution is now sold out with all 50 works!
The second season has also begun and is now on sale.
10代はキラキラした青春ばかりではない、悩み多き年頃。 Teen's collection SWEETでは そんな10代の女の子や男の子を、うつむき加減の表情で 可愛く表現しています。 パステルカラーで髪型や、洋服にもこだわり、普段あまり気にしないような部分も描いてます。
ファーストシーズンは50作で完結しました! 一次は現在50作品全て完売
Teenage years are not all about sparkling youth. In Teen's collection SWEET we have created cute expressions of teenage girls and boys with a downcast look. The pastel colors, hairstyles, and clothes are carefully chosen to depict parts of the world that we usually don't pay much attention to.
I hope you enjoy the world of these adorable collections drawn by 16-year-old girl!
The first season is now complete with 50 works! Primary distribution is now sold out with all 50 works!
The second season has also begun and is now on sale.
Unique items
· 67
Total items
· 165
· Feb 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%