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TAO [Mindfulness] [Electronic Music]

'At the intersection of outer space and inner space, you find Tao.'

Multi-priced listing: This collection features the 'pay as you can' pricing. This means that you can purchase the song in many increments of x10 from 0.0001ETH and up. This is my very first NFT and I felt that I wanted to make sure that my music was accessible to everyone, in terms of pricing, and that supporters of NFTs could pay more if they wanted to do so.

I appreciate your interest in my music. I'm an electronic music producer who produces under the aliases Heliøflux (genre: mindfulness) and apostro (genres: various EDM).

Just like other unknown artists, the toughest part is stand out with your art within an open sea of art. goes nothing.

Mar 2021
Creator earnings
  • Genre: Electronic dance music