For those considering purchasing Katashiro (BurNin' AL) from this page, please note the following: Makami's Katashiro, which is not intended for twin cats, may be sent to you in error.
◆ Avoid making an offer through the "Make collection offer" option. ◆ Make your purchase or offer using the "Buy" or "Make Offer" options on the individual pages of Towa and Setsuna.
For those considering purchasing Katashiro (BurNin' AL) from this page, please note the following: Makami's Katashiro, which is not intended for twin cats, may be sent to you in error.
◆ Avoid making an offer through the "Make collection offer" option. ◆ Make your purchase or offer using the "Buy" or "Make Offer" options on the individual pages of Towa and Setsuna.
Unique items
· 2
Total items
· 718
· May 2023
Creator earnings
· 10%