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U.S.A. State Flags Gallery

An NFT Collection for State Supporters. Collect the flags of your favorite states and show your love for the U.S.A.!

The flag is a symbol of the sovereignty and identity of a state. The fact that all the states which make up the United States have their unique flags shows their strength in these aspects. Based on this idea, the "U.S.A. State Flags Gallery" NFT collection is created to appreciate all the states and territories of The USA.

In total, the "U.S.A. State Flags Gallery" NFT collection offers 60 different items for you to collect. All the state and territory flags have 50 editions each, while the 3 "U.S.A." items have 100 editions each to allow more people to collect them. So, please note that by buying one of each, only 50 lucky people will have a chance to get the full collection of all the state flags.

The current price is just 0.002 ETH per item.

(Yes, the initial sale price is the same for all items.)

So, be quick to collect the flags of your favorite states!

Unique items
Total items
Aug 2022
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