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SPLIT - uVzvxtiqh5

I think this song is the perfect selection for my web3 music Genesis. This is a super fun song I made early last summer (2022). The whole thing came together really quickly from a writing and production standpoint, but wrapping it up and putting it out was a different story.

My life in art and music up to this point has always been in service of this growing feeling of anxiousness from within my nervous system. The easiest way to satisfy it has been to create things (and occasionally destroy them). When I satisfy it, everything gets quiet and feels at peace. When it isn't satiated, it feels like frenetic energy surging through my system, that will certainly end in disaster.

Sometimes my inner voice isn't on my side, and all I can do is remind myself I am still in charge.

There's probably a lot to unpack there in itself, but this blurb is about SPLIT. So for me, this song is about finding clarity and peace when perhaps all you feel are confusion and chaos. It's about finding motivation through a chorus of doubt. It is special for me, and I really hope you find something in it that will be special for you too.

Nov 2022
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